Monday, May 31, 2010

Sunday May 30

Three years ago May 30th - we resigned as pastors of Vermilion Tabernacle. This brought about a lot of changes in our lives - uncertainty in the beginning, but we have seen God open doors for us that we could not have imagined. We are back in Children's ministry and on the road again. This next week we are preparing for our summer Kids Krusades and camps. Throughout the next 2 months we will be in 6 different states spreading the gospel to children. We begin in Walker LA, Texas, flying to California, then on to Arkansas, Illinois, and Alabama. We arrive in the middle of August. We still have openings for August and the Fall- if you know of anyone who has an interest in hosting a Kids Krusade, please contact us.


  1. Love your new blog...can't wait to see your updates. What a great way to keep in touch.

  2. Mahn is dat chew? I hardly know who dat was in de treee.

    God Bless

    Farley & Trudy
